The eNotebook

Stuff that I have in my mind.


Lessons are needed in life, wether we like it or not. And when we being thought, sometimes it's not easy to admit your own fault. They're an amazing way to get better as a person after what you did. Can be a harmless mistake by accident, or a cruel action knowing the consequences. Whatever the case may be, they're here to stay in life. Up to you really if you want to admit your faults and learn the lesson, or ignore it and continue doing what you're doing. 


What I did with the past entry was very foolish of me. Probably not the best way to handle it, but I admit my mistakes. I'm not gonna delete the last entry either as a way to remind myself not to do ever again. So go ahead and make fun of me all you want. (You know who you are)


Normally with careless and selfish actions, it can ruin many things. Thank God we managed to find a solution and grow from it. I now saw the mistakes I did and will own up to it instead of being the victim. I definitely learn my lesson and will chose to be a better person. 


And as for them? I wish them luck and will have my full support!