The eNotebook

Stuff that I have in my mind.


 I get that thought in my mind about my own worth. I know everyone has a different definition of it, but I wanna focus on my own. I do worry at times what others think of me. People will always judge me no matter what, and that's something I can't avoid and stop. But for some reason, it cincerns me, especially if someone may like me? I don't know. I'm not perfect in any way or claim to be. And especially with my actions, I try not to be like that.


Mistakes are inevitable, and people will judge if you make the wrong move or not. And like I said in one of my previous entries, I made my fair share of mistakes. Selfish, naive, and many others that I cannot think right away. Little or big, I cringe at them. And it feels like every mistake from now on will follow me till the end of times. People can be cruel at times, even if the mistake can be unintentional. Or when you know you mess up, but people are unwillingly to listen to your side of the story and trying to lable you as the bad guy no matter what. I wanna avoid all that kind of conflict because it causes nothing but unnecessary drama and doesn't fix anything. 


Another concern is opinions. 2021 sucks for having the unpopular opinion. And any opinion can also label you as a bad guy. Not agreeing with the popular opinion means you're the worst person ever. Even if it's not a serious topic. Or when it is a serious topic, even by being respectful, people will throw every insult in the dictionary. Just dumb.


Idk with this entry, just something to get it out.