The eNotebook

Stuff that I have in my mind.

Rant Time!

You know, it's so wild to me that as soon as someone breaks up, they immediately get into another relationship

As if I wasn't their only option. They had a backup plan. 

Meanwhile I'd go years without one after a breakup. It really boggles my mind!

I don't know how to feel about that.

It's so fucking weird that every ex has told me that I better not cheat on them, or be

flirting with someone else.

But yet, they all leave me for another guy.

And I'm here alone in my room crying and playing video games every night when I'm alone.

I legitimately have no reason to be flirting with another person if I'm already dating


I feel lucky to be with her. A rare opportunity to date someone. And she thinks that I'll trade her for someone else? Fuck no. I'd keep her till the very end! Why would I do something stupid like that?

But they won't do the same for me.

I understand that not every girl doesn't have to like me. That's fine if she was honest from the beginning.

It upsets me deeply that she shows interest in me, only for her to leave me for another guy some time after. Wasted my time, energy, money, and so much more.

A simple no would be enough. But nah, pretends to like me, and here I am being the dumbass that falls for it. Then she goes to a different guy.

Like okay, cool. You weren't interested in me the entire time? Alrighty, would've appreciated it more if you said so from the beginning.


I can't really blame them though. It's my fault for believing an unrealistic fantasy. Always think with my feelings rather than logically. It's a tendency that I always do, and did recently... Well, she already told me about it, but I chose to ignore it. I obviously got punished for it, and rightfully so.